Project .. SUPER PROBE

Project taken from the following site :

Project with 17 functions obtained with a very small number of components as can be seen from the practical implementation .

List of features:

Prob: Logic probe signals H for voltages above 3.7 Volt L for voltages below 0.8 Volt: if a pulse signal is present it signals P.

FrEQ: frequency meter up to 50 MHz: obviously displays with 4 displays so for example MHz 23.456.789 23.45 is displayed and by pressing the P1 button 6789

Cnt: event counter: same characteristics as the frequency counter. VoLt: voltmeter up to 5 Volt: be careful not to exceed this value at the input.

diod : junction tester for transistors and diodes. Cap: capacitance meter from 0.001 uF to 500 uF.

Coil: inductance meter from 0.1 mH to 999.9 mH. SIG: generates a square wave at 500 Hz.

ntSC: generates an NTSC video wave (3.58 MHz). 9600:

converts the input signal to ASCI: settable speeds 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 baud.

Midi: generates a note number 60 for each of the 16 midi channels. R/C :

Generates a 1mS to 2mS pulse signal for testing servos. [] :

square wave generator from 1 Hz to 9999 Hz.

Prn: generates a 10 KHz signal for pseudo random number.

uir38 : Generates a 1 to 2.5 mS signal at 38 KHz for testing IR receivers

PWM: generates a 6 KHz square wave with duty cycle varying from 3 to 97%.

Incredible quantity of functions in a single instrument of very small dimensions: naturally everything is managed by the PIC 16F870 software. The practical implementation, as you can imagine, is very simple, while the microprocessor software can be freely downloaded at the address given above.almente il tutto è gestito dal software del PIC 16F870. La realizzazione pratica come si può immaginare è molto semplice , mentre il software del microprocessore è liberamente scaricabile all ' indirizzo sopra riportato.